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LER 0120-6 LER 0120 Large Geometric Plastic Shapes Shapes have a common dimension to illustrate relationships between area, volume, form, and size. Features cone, sphere, hemisphere, cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, triangular prism, square pyramid, and triangular pyramid. Includes Activity Guide. Shapes measure 3"H.  Grades K+ | Ages 5+ LER 0922 Set of 10  $24.99 ML Mini GeoSolids® Identify, compare, and analyze shapes with these colorful plastic pieces. Includes 4 sizes of 8 shapes: triangular prism, cube, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, triangular pyramid, and square pyramid. Includes Activity Guide. Shapes measure 1⁄2"–1 3⁄4".  Grades K+ | Ages 5+   SMALL PARTS (1). Not for < 3 yrs. LER 0913 Set of 32  $15.99 ML Wooden Geometric Solids Sets Smooth, solid wooden 3-D shapes measure 2"–3"H.  Grades 1+ | Ages 6+ LER 4298  Includes: cube, narrow and wide cylinders, hemisphere, sphere, ellipsoid, cone, ellipsoid and parabola cones, triangular and square pyramids, and 8 prisms (equilateral/triangular, obtuse triangular, square, large and small rectangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, octagonal).  Set of 19  $29.99 LER 0120  Includes: cone, sphere, cube, cylinders, pyramid, prisms, hemisphere, rectangular solids, and Activity Guide.  Set of 12  $17.99 LER 0120-6  Includes: cube, cylinder, sphere, cone, triangular prism, pyramid, and Activity Guide.  Set of 6  $12.99 LER 4298 Includes 4 of each shape Math  Geometry: 3-D Shapes Video Online Award Count Bonus Content Online STEM Supports STEM ML Multilingual Packaging Product Safety. See page 4. 189

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